Courtesy -V.N. O'key/Kamat's Potpourri
Diamond Jubilee of the Indian Socislist Mouement
1934 - 2009
Tho Diamond Jubilee of the Indtan Socialist Movement: 1934-2009.
The Centre for Socialist Studies, Bangalore, which had organized a grand function to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Indian Socialist movement in 1985 which was attended among others by Nanasaheb Gorey, recently decided to organize another grand function to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the Socialist movement in October 2009. An informal organizing committee has been constituted which has already met eight times. The prominent members who attend the meetings include the following:
Senior socialists Y.S.Subramanya, R.Venkatswami, B. Shivanna and Prof. Hanumantna, Prof. Aswathnarayanappa, Dr. Prakash T N, Dr Meera Chakravorty, Dr.H.Venkateshappa, Dr. T.V.Nagaraju, S.K.Kanta, Former minister, Dayananda Rao Biradar, Former chairman, Temperance Board D.S.Shreekanthamurthy, former chairman, Karnataka Tourism Development
Corporation. T.Prabhakar, former chairman, Karnataka Road Transport Corporation, G. V. Sunder, Chartered Accountant, Indu Rangaraju, L.Kalappa, C.G. Kulkarni, S. R. Raghuvendra, K. R. Subhash, and B. S. Umesh, B. S. Basavaraj Advocates, M. K. Bhasker, Shudra Sheenivas and B. B. Ramegowda. Journalists B.Chennareddy, B. S. Nagaraj and Rammanohar Shantaveri, enterprenuers and social activists Gulzar Begaum, Gururaj Budhya,. Rani Govindaraju etc.
Jnana Peetha Awardee Dr. U.R.Ananthamurthy and former Deputy Chief Minister, M.P.Prakash and former Ministcrs Vaijanath Patil, P. G. R. Sindhia and former chairmen of the Karnataka Legislative Council B.R.Patil and B.L. Shanker etc,, have been encouraging the efforts.
`The committee has decided to bring out a souvenir to commemorate the event which will include three long articles covering the evolution of the ideology and the movement of democratic socialism in the world, in India and in Karnataka as also the future possibilities in the evolution of the socialist ideology in the next 75 years. It has also decided to make an audio-visual presentation on the ideology of democratic socialism and the socialist movement in India and the world. It has decided to publish and release on the occasion a book on the history of the socialist movement in Karnataka, which Dr. T. V. Nagaraju, a professor of history and Mangalur Vijaya, a senior journalist have undertaken to write. The committee intends to invite all those persons who have been at one time or the other identified themselves with the ideology and the movement of democratic socialism in India irrespective of the political party to which they belong at present. The centre is organizing an exhibition of books on Socialism and an exhibition of photographs depicting the history of the socialist movement in Karnataka.
The Cerrtre wishes to request all socialists all over thc country to send us their addresses so that we can invite them to the function as also send rare
manuscripts, photographs etc. related to the socialist movement in India to the following address: Centre for Socialist Studies, 191, 10th Cross, 10th Main, NGEF Layout, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore 560 072. Tel: 080-23213613 Mob:9481486552 E-mail: centreforsocialiststudies@yohoo.in
The Centre also requests contributions which may be sent to the above address. Cheques or drafts may be drawn in the name of Samajwadi Pratishthan.
- Prof: Hanumantha
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